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Welcome to Grissom Math Stars. This is an international mail-in competition for 4th through 8th graders that takes place Nov. 7-Nov. 22 of 2024. We hope you enjoy the tests!



The competition consists of two tests: one individual test per student and one team test for the whole team to work on together.


Individual Test

Students are given 30 minutes to complete a 30 question free response test (open ended questions, not multiple choice). This test is non-calculator. Students will compete in their grade level, NOT their highest math level. Students MAY compete at a higher grade if they choose. .In terms of scoring, one point is gained from a correct answer. There is no penalty for guessing, as in NO points will be gained or lost for a wrong answer. The top 10 scorers, in each level, will receive a plaque.

Team Test

All students in a grade level from your school will take the team test together.  For the test, students on the same level will compete on a 40 question team test. The students will be given 30 minutes. The test is designed to be free response and completed without the use of calculators. Scoring is the same as the individual test. One point for a correct answer and no points gained or lost for a wrong answer. The top 3 teams, in each level, will be awarded a plaque.


The registration fee is $40 per grade level. To register, a faculty member from your school should complete this form: .  Mail checks or P.O. to Grissom High School, ATTN: Cindy Rodgers, 1001 Haysland Road, Huntsville, AL 35802.

Answer Sheet Submission

Math sponsors (faculty member) must submit their team's answer sheet (only one answer sheet per school) by the deadline to be eligible for awards. 


Tests can be given from Nov. 7th - Nov. 22th. Answer sheets must be submitted by Dec. 5, 2024.  Only sheets submitted by the deadline will be eligible for awards.

Contact Us

All questions should be directed to our email:

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